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QDRO Attorney Serving Frederick, MD

Getting retirement assets properly split up after a divorce is a big task. To make sure that the retirement assets go to the right person you need a specialized document called a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or QDRO. You’ll likely need at QDRO attorney serving Frederick, Maryland, for assistance.

A QDRO is a legal document that directs a retirement plan to distribute some or all of the retirement funds of one spouse to the other spouse. Without this document, the 401K division cannot be fully completed.

These documents are full of legal language that, if improperly executed, can cost the person receiving the funds huge penalties. That’s why we offer this service to couples who have decided to DIY their divorces, as well as those working with attorneys.

Trust the Law Offices of Laura N. Venezia to quickly, capably, and accurately execute any QDRO your retirement plan may need so you can finally close the book on your divorce. Schedule your consultation today!

QDRO Services for Attorneys in Frederick, MD

As a divorce attorney, you work hard to ensure your client gets everything they deserve leading up to the day the divorce papers are finally signed. Why waste your time dealing with boilerplate language and overly long documents to finalize the split of retirement assets?

At the Law Office of Laura N. Venezia, we offer QDRO preparation services to attorneys, freeing you up to do the work you need to do on behalf of your clients. We take care of the paperwork!

Call today for a quote!

Divorce Lawyer in Frederick, MD

No one enjoys getting divorced. But if this is where you find yourself, you need someone who can work tirelessly to ensure that you get what you deserve and who can guide you through the process.

At the Law Offices of Laura N. Venezia, we work hard to get you through the other side of your divorce as quickly and painlessly as possible.

We do everything we can to help our clients come to collaborative, amicable resolutions in their divorce cases. However, if communication breaks down, we’re also prepared to go to trial to fight for what you deserve.

We handle a variety of issues related to divorce in Frederick, Maryland, such as:

  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Alimony
  • Division of assets
  • 401K division
  • Pension division
  • QDRO
  • Parent relocation
  • Domestic violence

Get the right representation for your situation from the moment you file through to final case wrap-up. Schedule your consultation today!